Ceremony & Cacao
Ceremony and ritual is something that many of us are craving. I offer ceremonies following the major shifts of the astronomical and astrological year - the four major festivals of the Celtic world Samhain, Imbolc, Bealtaine and Lughnasa as well as Equinoxes and Solstices.
Through these ceremonies we explore archetypes, embodiment and plants that enhance your sense of connection to the flow of life’s cycle.
With my partner Daniel, we also facilitate a fortnightly Cacao Circle which is an open gathering with the intent to use cacao to enhance deep rest and allowing.
Our cacao ceremonies
Primarily, I co-facilitate with Daniel, my partner. Our mutual goal is to hold space to facilitate self-acceptance and build conscious awareness in the people who come to practice with us. As a couple, we share a rich and broad experience in meditation, consciousness and healing practices from various traditions and approaches. Together we’ve accrued over 25 years experience of practice and discovery, leading us to lessons in far flung places, but more importantly within ourselves. Both of us are deeply committed to the lifelong journey of self-acceptance and self-love. After meeting at a Kirtan Festival in Dublin, our relationship has centred around these shared values and Cacao has helped us to facilitate our ability to hold space and compassion for each other and the groups we work with.
We became cacao practitioners in 2020 with Keith’s Cacao, suppliers of ethically sourced and purely produced ceremonial grade cacao. Cacao is the most wonderful gift from nature which helps us to connect to our own being in a heart-centred compassionate way. We have been using cacao daily in our own practice and are grateful for its gentle and healing presence in our life.
As well as being a wonderful heart-opening aid to meditation and relaxation, cacao is a nutrient rich superfood. Ever wonder why eating chocolate makes you feel good? And why that feeling is so short-lived? The reason it feels good is the cacao and the reason it doesn’t last is all the calorie laden but nutrient deficient processed additives. With this cacao we only consume the nutrient dense goodness without all the empty mass-production additives.